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setra (西特)

setra (西特)

Setra Systems, Inc. 成立于1967 年,以电容技术闻名于世界,隶属于Fortive集团。由Setra 的创始人Dr. Y.T. Li 和 Dr. S.Y. Lee 发明的革命性的高精度可变电容变换原理,已取得了30 多项专利,并作为Setra 压力、加速度、称重产品的技术核心,广泛应用于各种尖端设备中。作为美国阿波罗登月计划中精密传感器产品供应商之一,Setra微差 压传感器在全球范围内享有盛誉。在经过40多年的研究、开发和持续改进,Setra 产品广泛应用于HVAC/R,工业过程控制、测量测试、环境参数测量和半导体超纯测量等领域。Setra在华业务由福迪威西特传感工业控制(天津)有限公司全权负责。

Setra 公司总部设在美国马萨诸塞州的Boxborough;在中国的工厂位于天津西青微电子园区,有18600m2 厂房。Setra 公司通过了ISO9001 :2000 认证,Setra将坚持持续质量改进、按时交货、完善的客户服务为客户提供优质的产品,满意的服务。

Setra Systems, Inc. was founded in an age of transducer innovation. Our founders, Dr. Y.T. Li and Dr. S.Y. Lee were professors of engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-developers of the variable capacitance transduction principle. Building on this heritage of innovation, Setra has designed and developed the most comprehensive product lines of sensing devices in the world. Setra has been innovating test & measurement sensor designs for over 50 years and has become a leader in the pressure transducer market.

Since our founding, we have been proudly producing all of our transducers for sale in the United States at our 100,000 sq. ft. Boxborough, MA facility. Setra is an ISO 9001-2008 certified manufacturer with robust and mature processes at work to continually optimize team performance.

Setra is part of the Fortive group of companies, a diversified industrial growth organization based in Everett, Washington with 24,000 employees worldwide. The Fortive Business System (FBS) is the cornerstone of our culture and our ultimate competitive advantage. It drives every aspect of our work, our strategy and our performance. We use FBS to guide our decisions, measure how well we execute and develop innovative ways to do even better.

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